

I am learning introspection now. I know I have a hot temper, but I hope you could give me more tolerant and don't be afraid. There are too much lies in the world, I just want to show my original for you. Maybe it isn't good way for living in the world. Now, I will learn to express myself in the other way. Never think to hurt anyone feeling and bring happiness for my ambient persons, yet I can't do well. Who can understand or help me?

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在以前剛見到老師的hot temper的確是嚇了一跳,我不斷在想是不是那時的我不會說話不懂得馬上回應老師的話,所以那時老師才發這麼大的火,不過隨著幾個月相處的日子,我覺得老師真的是個有愛心的老師,才會到這個地方來教我們,每次有閒暇時,我也總是想當個聆聽者聽老師和靖x或惠x的對話,因為這個樣子我才能插得上話,呵呵~總之,我覺得老師的temper還不錯,是個我很崇拜的好老師。

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>"< 不用這麼崇拜我吧